Analisis Penerapan Perilaku Hidup Bersih dan Sehat Serta Aktivitas Fisik dengan Status Gizi Anak Sekolah Dasar
The age of elementary school is an age period where rapid growth and development occurs, and thereby they need good nutrient intakes for a balanced growth and development.In Indonesia, the prevalence of children aged 6-12 years classified as thin and severely thin using the BMI-for-age index was 7.6% and 4.6%. The prevalence of thin and severely thin among children aged 5-12 years in South Kalimantan was 9,8% and 3,5% while the prevalence of thin among children aged 5-12 years in Banjarbaru in 2017 was 13,5%. Clean and healthy living behavior and physical activity are factors that can affect children’s health status. This study aimed to analyze the correlation of the implementation of clean and healthy living behavior and physical activity to the nutritional status of school children at Guntung Manggis State Elementary School 2, Banjarbaru. This observational study used a cross-sectional design. A total of 115 students participated in this study, who were selected using the stratified random sampling method.The results of the study were analyzed using the Spearman’s correlation test with p value <0.05. Based on the results of statistical tests, clean and healthy living behavior had a significant association with the nutritional status (p=0,013) with the correlation coefficient (r=0.231) and physical activity had a significant association with the nutritional status (p=0,000) with the correlation coefficient (r=-0.422) of students at Guntung Manggis State Elementary School 2, Banjarbaru.