Telaah Kegiatan Pijat Bayi Di Cilacap Perkotaan

Review Baby Massage Activities In Cilacap City

  • Tri Budiarti STIKes Al Irsyad Al Islamiyyah Cilacap
  • Frisca Dewi Yunadi STIKes Al Irsyad Al Islamiyyah Cilacap
Keywords: Review, Massage, Baby


Growth and development moment a baby is a most critical, golden, and time of opportunity that can be stimulated by massage. In Cilacap, baby massage is often be done and not only done by traditional masseurs but also salons and clinics. The study aimed to find out information on baby massage in Cilacap. The study was qualitative with the RAP approach, the locations are Cilacap Utara, Cilacap Selatan, and Cilacap Tengah, informans consist of 20 parents, 8 massagers and 8 representatives of clinic or health center leaders and 1 representative of the Health Office using interview guidelines and analyzed and concluded. The results in the form of knowledge of informants mostly unknowing the meaning, benefits, or condition of a baby who is massaged. The motivation of most informants are to follow parents or family traditions. The attitude of the informants was mostly positive but the massage was a traditional masseurs. The baby's massage habits are mostly for health care "didadah" when the newborn baby. The massage equation that is performed in traditional masseurs, clinics, and salons is the same for health care, while the difference is that massage on a shaman is a traditional massage whose skills are hereditary and using certain ingredients, and sometimes massaged when the baby is sick, baby massage in the clinic and salons are carried out by trained therapists, whose attributes are health workers, massage using telon oil or certain ingredients that are guaranteed safety, and massaged when healthy and ready.

Keywords: Review, Massage, baby
